Aron and Jennifer Toland

Aron and Jennifer Toland took the leap in 2016 to go off the grid when they bought an abandoned fishing lodge on Eliguk Lake, deep in the wilderness of British Columbia. Neglected and overgrown, the property required a tremendous amount of work to rebuild into a livable homestead and lodge. It took six years of hard work, but the business is up and running. However, when the last guest heads home at the end of the summer fishing season, Aron and Jennifer are left to fend for themselves through the harsh winter. Miles from civilization, the challenges of daily life in this remote wilderness are endless and making improvements to their homestead and lodge are constant. Aron previously worked as an off-road mechanic and Jennifer as a search and rescue medic, but this new way of life is one they’ve always wanted. They are excited to take on several big new projects at Eliguk Lake this season.