[Fred Frommer](https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.fredfrommer.com/__;!!CyZMqN24eIU!XOr8dr6Eynfdb6Jt9CQ5ReQKJAuzwyA4o5j1dfSoTO5wEfbJlyTWNLJgQltboe1veRm0$) is a historian and writer, and author of several books, including _You Gotta Have Heart: Washington Baseball from Walter Johnson to the 2019 World Series Champion Nationals_. He is a frequent contributor to _The Washington Post_, and has also written for _The New York Times_, _The Atlantic_, _Politico Magazine_, and CNN.com. Fred is a former longtime Associated Press journalist, where he worked as a reporter and editor. Follow him at [@ffrommer](https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://twitter.com/ffrommer__;!!CyZMqN24eIU!XOr8dr6Eynfdb6Jt9CQ5ReQKJAuzwyA4o5j1dfSoTO5wEfbJlyTWNLJgQltboQeCu0NO$).