Historic Powers of the Monarchy
For centuries, the English monarchy held a great deal of authority, but its history is full of challenges to that power and of concessions to nobles. Most famously, King John's signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 acknowledged that the monarchy's powers did have limits and, crucially, established that the crown could not levy taxes without the consent of a council of religious officials and feudal lords. That council of wealthy and powerful figures evolved into Parliament, which gradually took on a greater role as English people began to appeal to it to solve disputes and send representatives to petition it on their behalf.
Parliament’s role ultimately depended on how much power the monarch wanted to give it, and how much he or she needed Parliament’s support. King Charles I governed without Parliament for over a decade, setting into motion events that would end with his beheading and the abolition of the monarchy in 1649. Parliament then ruled without a king until the restoration of the monarchy in 1660.
In the Glorious Revolution of 1688, Parliament invited William II of Orange and his wife, Mary II, to invade England and depose King James II, who wanted absolute power. William and Mary then assented to the Bill of Rights, which legally required Parliament to be held regularly, granted full freedom of speech in Parliament and instituted various civil liberties. Britain does not have a single, written constitution like that of the United States, but foundational documents like the Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights formally took power from the crown and gave it to Parliament.
British Government Evolves
Over time Parliament evolved into a true representative government, similar to the Congress of the United States. Its upper house, the House of Lords, consists of nobles and originally held nearly all of Parliament’s power, but over the centuries the lower house, the House of Commons, grew more powerful. By the 1700s, the Commons had obtained the sole right to initiate taxes, meaning that a legislative body consisting of elected officials—though most people still couldn’t vote—controlled the state’s purse.
The monarch retains the right to “invite” whomever he or she pleases to form a government, but this is a holdover from the time when “Prime Minister” was an informal way of referring to the Member of Parliament selected by the king or queen to lead proceedings.