In the 20th century, secrecy became synonymous with “national security” and was aimed at keeping military information out of the hands of foreign enemies. Right before World War II, informal secrecy protocols were codified and the nation was introduced to the three now-famous “classification” levels: “Confidential,” “Secret” and “Top Secret.”
Today, government officials produce classified documents at a rate of 90 million a year, or three per second. A small portion of those documents and other materials are labeled “Top Secret” because, if leaked, they have the potential to cause “exceptionally grave damage” to national security.
The Classification Levels, Explained
As the United States prepared to enter World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8381, making it a crime to photograph or sketch any U.S. military installations or documents labeled “Secret,” “Confidential” or “Restricted,” which were classifications already being used by the Army and Navy.
But the first attempt to publicly define those classifications came in 1951 with President Harry Truman’s Executive Order 10290, which added a fourth category, “Top Secret,” and laid out a clear system for identifying, labeling and safeguarding highly sensitive information.
According to Truman, the classification “Top Secret” should be restricted to material that “plainly requires the highest degree of protection” and, if disclosed without authorization, “would or could cause exceptionally grave danger to the national security.”
Today, there are just three classifications (“Restricted” was dropped in 1953), each defined by the degree of “damage” the material could cause:
● “Top Secret” information “could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security”
● “Secret” information “could be expected to cause serious damage to the national security”
● “Confidential” information “could be expected to cause damage to the national security”
All kinds of information and materials meet one of the above standards, says Larry Pfeiffer, a former intelligence official who served as senior director of the White House Situation Room and chief of staff to the director of the Central Intelligence Agency. “Fundamentally, it all boils down to what damage could happen to national security if that information was in the hands of people who didn’t have a need to know.”
Most classified material comes from the intelligence community (FBI, CIA, NSA), says Pfeiffer, “but there’s also classified information about weapons design, diplomatic activities, and the movements of senior officials.” So not only do agencies like the FBI and CIA classify documents, but so do the Department of Defense, the State Department, the White House and more.
There are currently 1.3 million Americans with “Top Secret” clearances, including outside contractors for the Department of Defense and other agencies. But there are also “Top Secret” documents that are restricted to just hundreds or even dozens of individuals. Those documents are marked with additional labels like “SI” for “Special Intelligence” or “SAP” for “Special Access Programs.”
Disclosing those sources could put lives at risk.
Who Decides Which Documents to Classify?
Not everybody in government has the power to classify information. There are individuals who have “original classification authority,” a power granted to top-level officials in every agency and branch of government. Those original classification authorities can then delegate that power to others in their agency.
Jeffrey Fields, an international relations professor at the University of Southern California, worked as an analyst at both the State Department and the Department of Defense. He remembers drafting documents with his colleagues when the question was raised: should this be classified?
“You can’t make that unilateral decision,” says Fields, “You go to the people in your agency with classification authority and they decide.”
The president, however, has “the ultimate classification and declassification authority,” says Pfeiffer. The president is the only person with access to all levels of classified documents, and who can unilaterally decide if a document should be labeled “Top Secret” or made public.
“The most prominent example I can think of is when President Obama declassified the number of nuclear weapons in the U.S. arsenal,” says Fields. “He decided it was something the American people should know, and he wanted to show that the numbers were coming down as part of his non-proliferation initiatives.”