As the second wave of the Spanish flu hit in September 1918, Dr. Royal S. Copeland, a homeopathic physician and the city’s health commissioner, initially considered school closures as a way of limiting the pandemic’s spread. But Dr. S. Josephine Baker, director of the Department of Health Bureau of Child Hygiene and a leading Progressive reformer, persuaded Copeland to keep the city’s schools open, according to a 2010 article co-authored by Dr. Alexandra Stern. Baker argued that kids were better off contained in schools, and that regular medical inspections could identify sick students and keep healthy ones safe.
At the time, New York City’s public school system contained close to 1 million children, and 750,000 of those lived in crowded and often unsanitary tenement homes. In an article headlined “Epidemic Lessons Against Next Time,” published in the New York Times in November 1918, after the worst of the pandemic had passed, Copeland described the advantages in keeping the schools open: “[Children] leave their often unsanitary homes for large, clean, airy school buildings, where there is always a system of inspection and examination enforced,” he said.
Students with any symptoms were immediately isolated, Copeland explained. If they were feverish, they were sent home, after which a health official would be sent to their homes to determine if they could recover there or needed to be sent to a hospital.
Copeland himself was annoyed when his son’s private school, the Ethical Culture School, closed its doors in mid-October. According to another report in the Times, the commissioner blamed his son’s case of influenza on his not being in school, arguing that “children are better off in school, under supervision, than playing about in the streets.”
Chicago (and New Haven) Keep Schools Open Too
Like Copeland, Chicago’s health commissioner, John Dill Robertson, made the controversial decision to keep schools open during the worst of the 1918-19 flu pandemic. The city already had a strong medical inspection program in schools by that time, and Robertson and other health officials believed that children would be better off in school than at home, or on the streets, with relatively limited supervision
Despite this belief, many parents in Chicago opted to keep their children home anyway: Stern and her co-authors reported that absentee rates went from 30 percent in early to mid-October 1918 to nearly 50 percent late that month. Robertson later suggested parents were keeping children home because of what he called “fluphobia.”
In addition to New York and Chicago, officials in New Haven, Connecticut also kept schools open during the pandemic, and saw similarly high rates of absenteeism—among teachers as well as students. In all three cities, the role of medical inspections and school nurses proved crucial in enabling schools to stay open, and proved to many the value of the reforms instituted in previous decades.